Work Based Learning

Self employed - work in studio for yourself
freelance- find work and get commission 

Placement - unpaid work experience
shadowing- observing work for experience 
managed task - work set by an external agency 

First self employed photo-shoot within wbl 

8th october 2011 - 12am 
Payment - £30 for the hour with 20-30 edited images ( an extra 4hrs editing time) 

28th october 2011 11am

Joyce's grandchildren ages 18months-11 years old 



Harry aged 2 and a half with his mother Jane 

Travis and kelly - 2years old with mother 

Review from travis and Kelly's shoot 

''Thank you so much lauren for such wonderful & outstanding photo's of myself & travis everyone that has seen them have commented on them & said how good they are. I couldn't have asked for better picture's & you have captured each 1 perfect. Not only are the picture's outstanding but your professionalism was as well yesterday not only did you make us feel welcome & comfortable but you never rushed us at all and did all you could to make us feel at ease. You never commanded how the pictures or poses were to be but let us do poses we chose and advised us where you thought necessary. Once again thank you so much the picture's are more than I expected they are outstanding & I will be contacting you again in the near future for more picture's done.''

Reviews from past photo shoots 

Rebecca Catteral Review (above photo-shoot) 

Id like to thank lauren for the beautiful photos she took of me! the photos I recieved where unbelieveable!! id also like t say I felt 100% comfortable throughtout the photoshoot which I was worried about as the shoot was a maternity shoot so Id be in lil amounts of clothes!! lauren great work cant wait for the next shoot xx

Emily Catteral and Ruby ellen ( baby) 

Review from Emily's mother 

dated 12/10/11 

'Lauren has done two photo shoots with my daughter and granddaughter, both times I have been present while they took place. On both occasions Lauren made us welcome in her studio, being friendly, polite and hospitable. She was very professional in her approach to the shoot and was ready to listen to myself and daughter on ideas we had for "poses" and also offer up her own suggestions. Her patience was impecable where my grandaughter was concerned as she was only 2 weeks old on the first shoot and 4 months old for the second with more patience needed as she got fed up and was a little fractious at times, but Lauren took it all in her stride and worked with the baby. 

The process time was almost instant and we recieved our disc of the shoot the following day. My daughter, myself and all our family and friends were very impressed with the results and it led to a couple more bookings from family and friends on the strength of the quality of the photos. My other daughter has just had a maternity shoot with Lauren and the photos are amazing. We are all pleased with the results. We are booking a Christmas shoot in a couple of weeks and I would recommend Lauren to anyone wanting some professional photographs.'

Alan Lloyd  photo-shoot dated - 

I would personally like to thank Lauren for the fantastic shoot she did for me the results where far better than i could ever of hoped for.This girl knows her stuff .Looking forward to having another shoot real soon she has some incredible ideas and knows just the type of shoot iam looking for.

Patricia Murphy Review dated- 

Lauren has done a shoot ov myself and her grandad ov which we were very pleased with as we had never been able to get a good photo ov the two of us together. two ov the photos have got pride ov place in our home. Lauren we cant thank you enough , keep up the good work . xxxx 


Newborn shoot 

This was another paid shoot from one of my clients Rebecca Moore , I was pleased when she wanted to come back to me after her first maternity photo-shoot it gave me a lot more confidence and reassurance that my client felt as ease whilst I was photographing her. 
She requested some photographs are Baby Joel and some with them all together , I then suggested that it would be nice to have some images of leyton (father) with baby joel and Rebecca (mother) to show the separate bonds. I wanted to create moving images which the couple could keep forever and remember the times when joel was first born. Here are the chosen images edited. 

Joel and Leyton

The family together 

close up on babies features 

I must admit I got great feedback from these images from the clients and other fans on Facebook and from word of mouth. Although I was happy with the outcome of the photo-shoot I feel like some style of the images stood out for me a lot more than others. I felt that the more close up images of joel were more intimate and moving as an image , the far away ones looked more creative but less intimate. So therefore next time I do a newborn shoot I try and get a happy medium by shooting creative and moving images with not too much space in the background. I have noticed recently that I tend to stick with one software for editing - aperture , I want to see the other options so I have recently been trying actions on photoshop, I have edited some images from this photo-shoot with the use of actions to show the difference. 

Eve photoshoot 2 

I already did a photohoot with the Bannister family when Eve was 3months old and so they decided to come back 4months later to get some images with her looking a little more alert and obviously older. 


 Twins and finny

This week it was my first experience of photographing twins at four years old  and it was especially harder as there was another 1 year old sibling involved.

26th november Rubys 3rd shoot and 1st birthday 

This was quite an emotional experience for me as I photographed ruby from being just 11 days old as a newborn, she was my first ever newborn photo-shoot and looking back at the images now there is a lot of improvement that could of been made , nevertheless they loved the images and have continued to use me for further photo-shoots from the age of 3months to now her first birthday. 

Eva - Leigh 


Dean mcdonald work placement for one day in his studio

dated 13/11/11 

As I was searching for work based learning opportunities i decided to go into the local photographer in bamber bridge called dean McDonald photography. I approached dean and asked for any opportunities available at the moment , his reply wasn't a positive one at first as he replied by saying he didn't have enough work at the moment but offered a day working with him and a model and showing me his tricks of the trade with lighting and positioning and talking to the model. I wasn't going to turn down an opportunity like that whether it was a day or a week, so we arranged a date and I had to find a model. Here are some of the images from the day and some things I learnt from Dean. 

Trip to Blackpool 9/11/11 

Found 4 possible placements 

feedback from 2 

Grundy art Gallery - one day placement with exhibition 

Blott gallery - wednesday 23rd helping out with photo-manipulation and general gallery stuff 

Week one: wednesday 23rd november 

Corrrine and Janine talked me through that the day would consist of sorting out their new and live website, I must admit the first week of placement wasnt as exciting as expected and it was a very quiet and awkward day , but I did learn alot about the way the website worked , (alot like blogger). 

Week two: Monday 28th november 

Resizing the mug images to 300 dpi 

learnt more about cyk printing 

Week three:monday 5th december 

Week four: 12th december 

christmas photoshoot - lucas family 

Alfiie photo-shoot - age 2 1/2 

filled out an application for harris museum - still to hear back what date im starting in january 

Newborn Posing Workshop  May 1st

Me&Thee Wedding Photography

After waiting a year to get into wedding photography I decided it was time to start doing weddings , I wanted to do it seperate from 'Lj photography' so had to come up with a seperate brandng , I thought seeing as id be nervous at first that maybe I should join up with someone doing simlar genres of photography , I acted upon asking Danielle to be my business partner and came up with the name 'Me&Thee wedding photography' as it suited  both me and danielle and the bride and groom .
I contacted a local graphic designer to design us a logo she sent us a few different designs and colours but eventually i changed the colours to suit our needs.