Final Major Project

Inspiration and ideas

For my FMP I wanted to do a series of images which related to the theme of ‘motherhood’ I have a very close bond with my mother and Nan and I want to show this through other mother and daughter bonds.

 1.Portraits of mothers

2. Portraits of mothers ,with smaller images of details of them or an object which identifies them as a mother
3. Portraits of mothers and daughters( showing the bond and similarities with one another)

4.Portraits of a mother and daughter from birth to death, showing how you always need your mum no matter what age , and their will come a time where your mum needs you more.

5. Quotes on mothers – recreating them 

Artists Inspirations 

 Frauke Theilking 

Claudine doury

Martin Parr
       Eve Arnold

Frames and Presentations 

I wanted to make people feel more involved with the images and feel as though they could relate to them in some way, in order to do this I wanted to recreate a living room from my own memory, a place which I remember being brought up with a loving and warm feeling. Here is a sketch of my ideas.

 Each frame would be different for each idea , for 2nd and fourth idea  I wanted the frames to look traditional and as though they would be sitting in someone's living room like a family portrait. For the other ideas I feel black frames would suit the images more perhaps.

Presentations Examples -Jim Goldberg - images with objects 

Test shoot 

with my nan , and new mother kerry, I am planning to reshoot these after more experiements. 

Shoot 3



Shoot 4 



Michelle , Gina & Finley 



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